The RoboHornets took the robot to Memorial High School this morning for the Charge-Up session hosted by Team 932. There, the robot went through inspection and a number of minor issues were identified. We also got some drive practice in and tweaked the code to make the drivetrain more controllable.
In the afternoon, we made the changes necessary to pass inspection, so we will hopefully be able to get through inspection and practice essay writer help matches quickly on Thursday at competition. We did run into some trouble with the ultrasonic distance sensors.
On Monday, we will meet at the usual time (4PM). Here’s the to-do list:
- Get the second distance sensor attached and wired
- Clean up the sensor wiring
- Then give the robot to the programmers to develop autonomous code
- Finish the gear catcher and hopper for the clone
- Wire camera and sensors on the clone
On Tuesday, we will meet at TU after school to demonstrate and bag the robot. The booster club will be providing cake – parents and supporters are invited to arrive at 6PM and see the robot do its thing and go in the bag.