At our October 26th meeting, we started off discussing who would be able to attend the Homecoming tailgate party before the football game on Friday. After that was all sorted out the RoboHornets were divided into sub teams, which we had chosen in a previous meeting. When in the sub teams, the sub team leaders got their teams contact information and, started developing a future plan for operation of the sub teams and elected a sub team deputy.
On October 28th a select group of the RoboHornets assembled and set up our table for the Booker T. Washington Homecoming tailgate party. When everything was set up, we got Sir Ket online and performed live demonstrations and had the robot play catch with kids who were watching. Sir Ket was a big hit with the kids.
While a group of RoboHornets wandered about and sold t-shirts to raise money for the team, a RoboHornets mentor and a few upperclassmen stayed at our booth to talk about the relation between Robotics, STEM, and FIRST.