Robot 101

Between September 7 and October 12, the RoboHornets are conducting Robot 101 to train our new team members in the basics.  Each new team member is required to complete five sessions: Tools and Safety, Electronics, Programming, Marketing, and CAD.

David F ('18) and Peyton K ('17) help new students to develop an "Elevator Pitch"
David F (’18) and Peyton K (’17) help new students to develop an “Elevator Pitch”
Alberto R ('20) demonstrates the proper use of a belt sander
Alberto R (’20) demonstrates the proper use of a belt sander
Josh S ('17) teaches new team members how to use Inventor
Josh S (’17) teaches new team members how to use Inventor
Grant V. (mentor) shows some new team members the basics of the FRC control system
Grant V. (mentor) shows some new team members the basics of the FRC control system
Ben H. ('19) shows new team members the basics of programming
Ben H. (’19) shows new team members the basics of programming

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