
2024 Build Season

Rule Evaluation

  • The team reads the rules and finds the restraints that we follow for the year.
  • Rules and requirements are made easily available for referral.

Identify Strategies

  • Teammates split into separate groups and decide on a strategy and potential designs to share with the team.
  • The team agrees on a strategy and then works on potential designs.
  • Bring a few final designs to the table before making a final decision.


  • Prototype mechanisms and determine which one would work best.
  • Model the robot in 3D CAD Software to have an accurate representation of the final product before manufacturing the robot.

Robot Manufacture and Assembly

  • Robot made by the students.
  • Changes made to the robot and 3D CAD Software.
  • Electronics installed alongside mechanical assembly.
  • Robot ready for software and practice.


Electronics Board

Designed specifically to fit within our swerve chassis. Electronics board was mounted on the chassis upside down, so the lettering is right side up for the names, and upside down for components. The board was laser cut from clear acrylic and was modified after our first competition to be made from polycarbonate.

Mounts for Components

These mounts were 3D printed to hold the RoboRIO and a TP Link because these components do not come with holes for mounting.

Kit Bot Modifications

For aesthetics, we designed our own cover for the kit bot shooter. We laser cut orange acrylic, and had the aluminum water jet cut with the design of our RoboHornet.